Christelle Lahoud
Christelle Lahoud
Nairobi, Kenya
Christelle is the Programme Management Officer for UN-Habitat and has been closely involved with Block by Block since 2017. Her work focuses on mainstreaming gender in planning processes, engaging vulnerable groups in city planning decisions, and supporting innovation and technology in urban projects. Her responsibilities include mobilizing resources, managing Minecraft experts, running workshops and training sessions, following up on the implementation of public space projects, and communicating progress to donors. She has facilitated over 20 Block by Block Workshops in Haiti, Lebanon, China, Niger, Ghana, Uganda, Vietnam, and Guinea and has represented Block by Block and UN-Habitat at global events including the World Urban Forum.
Christelle is certified in Global Talent, WYSE Advanced Leadership, and Building a Better Response and speaks Arabic, English, French, Italian, Spanish, and sign language. Before joining UN-Habitat, she worked in Cape Town as an urban planner. She holds a master’s in International Cooperation from the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and a master’s in Architecture from Holy Spirit University of Kaslik - USEK. She lives in Nairobi, Kenya.
“Block by Block is an amazing and fun way to engage people in planning and re-shaping their cities. In most parts of the world, vulnerable groups are left out of the conversation. If we don’t find the right tools and the right language to communicate with these groups, we risk having their voices unheard.”