José Chong
José Chong
Nairobi, Kenya
José is a Programme Management Officer at UN-Habitat and has been closely involved with Block by Block since 2012. His work focuses on human settlements and building a brighter future for villages, towns, and cities of all sizes around the world. José has participated in Block by Block Workshops and represented Block by Block and UN-Habitat at events around the world including multiple World Urban Forums. His publications include Mundus Urbano: (Re)thinking Urban Development, 2013; Sustainable Urbanization in Asia: A Sourcebook for Local Governments, 2012; How to Build Co-Existence, 2009; Scenarios for the Future, 2009; Urban Experiences in a Rural Environment: Small Rural Settlements in Lurin Valley, Lima, 2009; and Green Urban Border, 2006.
José speaks English, French, German, and Spanish and has a master’s in International Cooperation and Urban Development from Technische Universität Darmstadt with specializations in Post-Disaster Architecture, Renewable Energies, and Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism. He also holds a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidad Ricardo Palma. He lives in Nairobi, Kenya.
“Block by Block is more than the 150 public spaces and the communities who helped create them. It’s a transformative process of engaging local governments and changing policies to make public spaces more accessible and safer for all.”